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Estate Planning & Elder Law in 印第安纳州

Get Help from a 新奥尔巴尼 Based Estate Lawyer

If you or your loved one needs to plan for their long-term healthcare and financial position, work with our estate planning attorneys. 我们的 estate attorneys help families find solutions to manage their elder care needs in a way that preserves not just their long-term financial health, 还有家庭关系的长期健康. The goal of Church, 兰登, Lopp, Banet法律 is to allow families to remain focused on the most important aspect of aging: enjoying your lives together.

我们的 firm is based in 新奥尔巴尼 and our attorneys live throughout the surrounding area. 我们的生活和家庭与这个社区的结构交织在一起. 利用我们的法律背景,解决长者面临的问题, our 老法 attorneys with Church, 兰登, Lopp, Banet法律帮助我们的邻居解决了他们年迈的配偶所面临的挑战, parents and grandparents.


如果你或你所爱的人在面对挑战和担忧时需要帮助, 或者如果你只是想确保你为未来做好准备, 我们邀请您与我们的遗产规划律师之一交谈. Call us at 812-725-8224 and let us help you explore legal solutions to your long-term care needs.

What Does Your Future Look Like? How Can Estate Planning Get You There?

最近的一次 手机应用程序 allows you to age yourself instantaneously to see what an eighty-year-old ‘you’ might look like. 对于我们中的许多人来说,我们只需要看看父母的脸就能看到我们自己. 虽然和爸爸妈妈互换角色会带来压力和焦虑, a little preparation and solutions-based assistance can help you focus on the truly important things.

Whether thinking ahead for your own future, acting on behalf of a spouse or parent, or seeking information as a compassionate caregiver, our 新奥尔巴尼 estate lawyer is well-positioned 帮助 you identify elder care solutions.

Planning for Health Care of Elders: The Basic Picture

医疗保险 联邦健康保险计划是否有强制性工资扣减, and it primarily serves people over age 65. Recipients may pay a monthly premium, based on “work credits” – the number associated with how long a person has been employed. 该方案分为四个部分,分别解决具体的健康需求. 部分, for example, usually pays for some short-term, in-home medical help prescribed by a doctor, but it won’t pay for long-term custodial care. Part D offers prescription drug coverage. Find more information about 医疗保险 claims.

医疗补助计划 提供利用联邦和州组成部分的长期护理计划. 医疗补助接受者通常只支付很少的医疗费用. The program may cover home care or day services if your 65-plus parent is nursing-home eligible. 一个人可以同时获得医疗补助和医疗保险福利. Read more about 医疗补助计划 claims.

Social Security benefits are paid to people for retirement and disability and may be paid to widows or widowers. 如果你父母的社会保障福利是基于低薪工作获得的, and if the benefits are the only source of income, there may be a larger monthly benefit available by applying for the Supplemental Security Income (SSI) program – and we can help you make that determination as well as fill out the papers.

退伍军人 benefits come in several types and levels. For example, if your aging parent is a military veteran and needs continuing medical care because of a service-related disability, an application for medical benefits, 可以提交住院治疗和处方药.

我们的 新奥尔巴尼 based estate lawyer can help you explore options available for long-term and estate planning that will benefit you and your family well into the future. 请立即致电812-725-8224为您的计划提供帮助.

我们的 Kentuckiana Estate Planning Attorneys Can Help You Solve the Long-Term Care Puzzle

Do You Know Someone Caring for an Aging Parent?

With over 10 million Americans over fifty taking on the responsibility of basic care for their parents, 很有可能你的家人或朋友也有这种情况. An increasing number of Baby Boomers find themselves in the ‘sandwich generation’ – torn between providing care for children and parents at the same time.

我们的 estate planning attorneys can help you navigate the maze of qualifying for government programs and evaluating long-term care options. 我们的 first step will be to review 医疗保险, 医疗补助计划, Social Security and even 退伍军人 Benefits to inventory what resources can be utilized for care needs.

每个项目都有特定的资格和相关的文书工作. 正如您可能已经发现的那样,保护这些资源并不总是那么容易. 但是不要放弃你的双手-bet9九州体育登录,我们可以一起审查的选择.

我们的 estate attorneys are available to meet with you to discuss a long-term care plan and solve the financing challenges that may seem overwhelming. Call us today at 812-725-8224 with your questions and let’s get started identifying solutions.

我们的 Estate Lawyer Can Help You with Power of Attorney & Guardianships


Power of Attorney

起草一份恰当的委托书是每一个遗产计划的基石. 就像你不想在没有备胎的情况下在州际高速公路上开车一样, you do not want to find yourself without a properly drafted power of attorney when you’re confronted with a hospital or nursing home stay.

As part of an all-inclusive elder care plan, 我们的房地产律师将与您共同努力,以确保这一点, when the need arises, 你有一份最新的全面起草的委托书.

A power of attorney gives legal authorization to someone chosen by the signer to make decisions on his or her behalf. 它可以立即生效,也可以在某个预定的晚些时候生效, and it may broadly cover all decision-making or authorize decisions only about certain issues.

执行委托书对保障健康至关重要, financial and care concerns faced as we grow older. 让委托书以完全的法律权限行事, the document must be accurate and thorough, 最好在出现严重的认知障碍之前完成.

Estate Guardianships

If you do not have a properly drafted power of attorney, a guardianship may be necessary. Guardianships are court ordered; consequently, the parties must appear before a court and the necessity of financial and/or healthcare assistance must be proven. 监护往往比起草恰当的委托书更贵, 而且记录保存的要求通常要广泛得多.

当你准备好学习更多关于保护自己的知识, or a loved one, 通过委托书或监护权提供的安全和保护, 请不要犹豫与教会的遗产规划律师bet9九州体育登录线路, 兰登, Lopp, Banet法律.

我们与许多家庭合作,保护他们的亲人. Let us help you find options that meet your needs.

Call us today at 812-725-8224 to get started.

Understanding Probate

遗嘱认证是你所爱的人死后遗产将经历的过程. 它可以是简单的也可以是复杂的,这取决于你的计划有多好. At its best, 遗嘱认证 is a well-ordered, 非常高效。, 这个过程相对简单,可以在短时间内完成. 在最坏的情况下,它可能是昂贵的、缓慢的,而且经常令人沮丧.

The first thing you can do to ensure that the 遗嘱认证 process is smooth is to encourage your loved one to create a will as part of a larger estate plan. A last will and testament will lay out how they want their assets distributed to beneficiaries. 没有遗嘱的人被称为“无遗嘱”死亡.” When this happens, 印第安纳州 Probate Code 遗嘱认证法庭将决定一个人的资产如何分配, which may or may not reflect that person’s wishes. 所以,和遗产规划律师一起起草一份遗嘱.

除了, you may want to create a revokable or irrevocable trust; ensure that all retirement and life insurance policies have named beneficiaries; and confirm that pensions, ira, bank accounts, 其他金融账户有指定的受益人和/或死亡付款状态. By doing this, many assets can avoid the 遗嘱认证 process altogether and go directly to the heirs. 这是一种简化遗嘱认证程序的方法. If all of this sounds complicated, it can be. 我们的 遗嘱认证 attorneys 我很乐意回答你的问题,并更详细地讨论这些措施. Feel free to give us a call.

A Word About Small Estates in 印第安纳州

Many states, including 印第安纳州, have a special, 简化了所谓“小地产”的流程.” An 印第安纳州 small estate is an estate that has a value of $50,000 or less after debts, encumbrances, 留置权, and funeral and burial expenses are deducted. Joint assets (co-owned with a spouse or another person) and beneficiary designations (such as those mentioned above) are not included in the $50,有资格申请“小额遗产”程序的最高遗产金额为000英镑. 共同资产包括夫妻共同拥有的房子, joint bank accounts, and other property jointly owned. If an estate’s assets fall under the $50,000年的水平, 然后你就可以利用一个简化的, 简化遗嘱认证过程,花费更少的时间和成本显著降低. 了解您是否符合“小额遗产”程序的资格, speak to a qualified and experienced 老法 attorney.

所有这些都表明,关于遗产规划有很多需要了解的地方, 老法, and 遗嘱认证 process – and the more you know, the better prepared you will be. Planning ahead is a tremendous gift you or a loved one can give to surviving family members. They will be able to enjoy the memories of a life well lived rather than be anxious and stressed over a disorganized estate. 很多次, people don’t like to think about end-of-life issues, but when you do so, 在你还健康的时候给你时间和你的继承人谈谈, explain your wishes, and answer their questions. 这可以帮助避免受伤的感觉和以后的困惑.


Caregiving issues are a common problem as we get older, 遗产规划律师的支持是无价的.

You may be an in-home caregiver or an adult child who wishes they could live closer to Mom and Dad. Due to the challenges of modern life, “照顾者”的传统定义在不断变化. 通常, with chronic ailments like Alzheimer’s, 今天适合的解决方案明天就不合适了. The attorneys at Church, 兰登, Lopp, Banet法律 work hard to provide you with options, 这样你就可以制定一个最适合你所爱的人的护理计划.

Many families have depended on Church, 兰登, Lopp, Banet法律 to answer their 老法 questions. We represent and counsel families and their loved ones with the legal and financial issues that come with aging, disability and serious illness.

无论你是在规划自己的未来还是为你所爱的人的未来, please consider allowing us 帮助 you. Contact our 新奥尔巴尼 estate attorney today to start finding solutions at 812-725-8224.

Client Testimonial

”We did estate planning. They were excellent. Made things simple. Included flow charts. Everything thoroughly explained. All documents we prepared accurately and very quickly. I would definitely call them again.” – Doug Hardin (Google Review)

Attorney Steve 兰登

Licensed to practice in both 印第安纳州 and 肯塔基州, 史蒂夫·兰登是一位经验丰富的老年律师和出庭辩护律师. 除了 to his litigation and trial work, Steve’s practice includes wills, 信托基金, 遗嘱认证, 医疗补助计划 planning, guardianship, powers of attorney, and advanced directive planning, 包括生前遗嘱和医疗代理指定. [ Attorney Bio ]

Attorney Gary Banet

加里在印第安纳州和肯塔基州都有执业律师执照. He concentrates his practice in estate planning, estate and trust administration, estate and trust litigation, guardianships, 老法 and special-needs planning. Gary earned his J.D. from the University of 路易斯维尔, Louis D. Brandeis School of Law, and formerly practiced law at Bingham Greenebaum Doll and Wyatt, Tarrant & 库姆斯. [ Attorney Bio ]


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